2022년 6월 20일 월요일

Unreal 5 : "Your First Game in UE5" follow up


Thunder conclusion : 

The robot didn't rotate to moving direction before changing the option "Use Controller Rotation Yaw" to unchecked.




I'm following this video "Your Fist Game in UE5"  , but there's  a problem

The robot didn't rotate his body to moving direction. Really strange.

Searched the web, and the point is unchecking a option for blueprint class(BP_bot)

In the video, he didn't tell me this. lol


언리얼5 튜토리얼 따라하는 중 문제

로봇이 이동방향으로 회전을 안 함

Use Controller Rotation Yaw 를 체크해제. 해결

2020년 4월 1일 수요일

(Unity personal problem experience). changing color of an object in script works, but NOT work if the object has rigidbody component

Unity 2019.3.4f1 personal

I've made a script for changing color of an object.
It works very well at first, but doesn't work any more after I've added 'rigidbody' component to the object.
I don't know why it happens.
 upper image shows the cube has rigidbody component and not changed its color.

upper image shows the cube has changed its color after its rigidbody component removed.

 Suddenly, I noticed that it's a child of prefab.
In prefab viewer(?), I've added rigidbody component and uncheck 'gravity'
Now, it works.
The cube has changed its color even if it owns rigidbody component.

2020년 3월 28일 토요일

(vsCode) Unable to resolve assembly ~~

Unity  2019.3.4f1 personal
vsCode 1.43.2

so many warnings
 Unable to resolve assembly '~~~.dll'

There are a few solutions , in my case installing older version of the c# extension of vsCode works.

 But, I don't know why c# 1.21.15 being showed on installed extensions.
I've downloaded 1.21.12 version manually and install.
'Debugger for Unity' is dependent on c# extension, so you should uninstall it first.

 After that, received many message from git.